AfroFun | SS2-25
AfroFun | SS2-25
Level | All Levels
Runs | Tuesdays 8:15-9:05pm
Dates | May 20-June 24th
Cost | $125.00 + gst
Instructor | Solange
Studio | 96 33rd Street East (Green Studio)
Come and explore the dances of Africa with Solange. Move your body to the djembe drums as we explore some traditional body movements. Learn Afro dances from different countries in short choreographed sequences. But most of all come and have fun and let the rhythms of the beautiful continent of Africa inspire your creativity and movement.
Spring Session 2 2025
All Levels
Runs | Tuesdays 8:15-9:05pm
Dates | May 20-June 24th
Cost | $125.00 + gst
Instructor | Solange
Studio | 96 33rd Street East (Green Studio)